A Service of Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.
(855) FCC-INFO
KSAA-LP from 08/15/1997 K19DC from 02/12/1992 910502CX from ??? |
Status: STA – Special Temporary Authority Application Accepted: 07/15/2019 STA Expires: 08/01/2030 File Number: 0000078017 FCC Website Links: LMS Facility Details This Application Other KSAA-LD Applications Including Superseded Applications Service Contour - Open Street Map or USGS Map (74 dBu) Service Contour - KML / Google Earth (74 dBu) Rabbit Ears Info Search for KSAA-LD Site Location: 29-26-29.9 N 98-30-22.8 W (NAD 83) Site Location: 29-26-29.1 N 98-30-21.7 W (Converted to NAD 27) ERP: 14.5 kW R/C AGL: 110 m (361 ft.) R/C AMSL: 317.2 m (1041 ft.) Site Elevation: 207.2 m. (680 ft.) Height Overall*: 152 m (499 ft.) (* As Filed In This Application, may differ from ASR Data, Below.) Omni-Directional Antenna - Antenna Make/Model: Scala 4DR-16-4HO Antenna ID: 20734 | ||||||||||||||||||
Structure Registration Number 1214327 Structure Type: GTOWER Registered To: American Towers LLC Structure Address: 1010 W. Laurel St. (atc Site # 282679) San Antonio, TX County Name: Bexar County ASR Issued: 05/24/2016 Date Built: 07/12/2001 Site Elevation: 207.2 m (680 ft.) Structure Height: 152 m (499 ft.) Height Overall: 152 m (499 ft.) Overall Height AMSL: 359.2 m (1178 ft.) FAA Determination: 03/16/2016 FAA Study #: 2016-ASW-2905-OE FAA Circular #: 70/7460-1L Paint & Light FAA Chapters: 4, 8, 12 PRIOR STUDY 2000-ASW-1251-OE 29-26-29.9 N 98-30-22.8 W (NAD 83) 29-26-29.1 N 98-30-21.7 W (Converted to NAD 27) |
295 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor New York, NY 10017 Phone: 954-606-5486 Corporation | Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: 07/15/2019 Application Certifier HC2 LPTV Holdings, Inc. 450 Park Avenue 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 Applicant Kurt Hanson HC2 Broadcasting Holdings, Inc. 450 Park Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 Chief Technical Officer Rebecca Hanson HC2 Broadcasting Holdings, Inc. 450 Park Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 Evp and General Counsel Paul Cicelski Lerman Senter PLLC 2001 L Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Legal Representative Renee Ilhardt HC2 Broadcasting Holdings, Inc. 450 Park Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 | |||||||||||||||||